Basic Website
A basic website is made up of 4 pages or less. This website will include original content, graphics, and setup (typically a CMS). Website can include basic social media setup including links. A basic SEO foundation can be created however it will be limited due to size. Original photoshoot may be added to the package for an additional charge. The website will be tested for full functionality on all browsers. A training session to show the client how to update the website is included.
Local Website
A typical website is where most of our client's find their niche. This website design or redesign allows for up to 10 pages. This website will include original content, graphics, and setup (typically a CMS). Website can include basic social media setup including links. Basic SEO foundation will be setup. An original logo design may be included. Original photo shoot may be added to the package for an additional charge. The website will be tested for full functionality on all browsers. A training session to show the client how to update the website is included.
National Website
An extensive website (up to 20 pages) allows more time for the craft of the website and will most likely incorporate a CMS. This website will include original content, graphics, and setup (typically a CMS). Website can include basic social media setup including links. Basic SEO foundation will be setup. An original logo design may be included. The subpages will be designed to be consistent and organized. Original photoshoot may be included. The website will be tested for full functionality on all browsers. A training session to show the client how to update the website is included.
*Examples of services included with monthly packages include private hosting, SEO package, contact forms, Google Analytics, Content Management, Email Marketing, and more. See the pricing page for digital marketing services for more details

Free Consultation
We'll talk through your goals and what you hope your website will achieve, with no obligation to commit.

Money Back Guarantee
If you don't like where the website is going after the first draft, we can cancel the project and you'll get your full deposit back.

Payment Plan
Can't pay all at once? No problem. Spread your payments over 3 months or 6 months with only a minimal additional charge.